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One backend for your web, mobile, and AI apps

Create robust backends in minutes. Focus on your domain model; Exograph handles SQL, custom logic execution, and vector embeddings.
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Data Models in Seconds

Describe your domain model, and automatically get a GraphQL API for it. Leave execution to Exograph; don't write SQL ever again.
module EcommerceDatabase {
type Product {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
name: String
description: String
price: Float
published: Boolean
department: Department

type Department {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
name: String
products: Set<Product>?

Fine-Grained Access Controls

Go beyond role-based authorization. Specify complex permissions with just a few lines of code.
Integrate with any authentication system including OpenID Connect.
context AuthContext {
@jwt role: String

module EcommerceDatabase {
query=self.published || AuthContext.role=="admin",
type Product {
// ...
published: Boolean

type Department {
// ...
published: Boolean

Connect to Custom Logic

Integrate with external APIs or define custom algorithms with just a few lines of JavaScript or TypeScript.
module ProductAnnouncement {
mutation announce(productId: Int, @inject exo: Exograph): String
const productQuery = 
`query getProduct($id: Int) {
product(id: $id) {

export function announce(productId: number, exo: Exograph): string {
const product = exo.executeQuery(productQuery, {id: productId});
const potentialBuyers = exo.executeQuery(... analytics GraphQL query);
"New Product", `A new product ${} is available`
return "Announcement sent";

Awesome Developer Experience

Iterarate fast with support for schema creation, migration, deployment, and more throughout the application lifecycle.
Exograph models fit right into your existing Git workflow.


Exograph's architecture provides high performance, fast startup time, and low memory usage. Suitable for serverless and traditional cloud deployments.
  • Cold startup time on AWS Lambda < 200ms
  • Memory footprint < 64MB
  • Fast query execution

Deploy Anywhere

Deploy to the cloud of your choice. Exograph comes with direct support for AWS Lambda,, and any platform with Docker support.
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