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Symmetric Key Authentication

Exograph's playground support for symmetric key authentication allows specifying JWT claims and the secret to sign the JWT token. Then, for each request, it creates a JWT token with the specified claims and passes it in the Authorization header.

For example, if you wanted to test an API that requires the role claim to be set to admin, you would proceed as follows.

Signing in

In the playground, click on the "Authenticate" button in the middle center of the screen. That will pop up a dialog box. In the dialog box, enter the following:

  • For "Secret", enter the secret printed by the exo yolo command or the value of the EXO_JWT_SECRET environment variable passed to either exo yolo, exo dev, or exo-server command.
  • For "Claims", enter the following:
"role": "admin"

And click "Sign In".

Making a request

You make requests as usual. The playground will create a JWT token and pass it to each request in the Authorization header.

Signing out

To sign out, click the same "Authenticate" button and "Sign Out".

Here is an example of this functionality in action: