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Access Control

Queries and mutations in Deno modules may be protected using access control rules. You can specify access control rules using the access annotation. It takes a boolean expression that the Exograph runtime evaluates to determine if the query or mutation is accessible. An access expression may refer to any of the context objects. For example, to allow access to a query or mutation only to ADMIN users, you can use the following annotation:

context AuthContext {
role: String

module UserModule {
@access(AuthContext.role == "ADMIN" || AuthContext.role == "SUPER_ADMIN")
type User {
id: Int
name: String

@access(AuthContext.role == "SUPER_ADMIN")
query getUser(id: Int): User

We have defined @access for both the User type and the getUser query. The effective access control rule for the getUser query is a logical and of the access control rules for the User type and the getUser query. This allows for protecting types and queries/mutations independently. In this example, the access control rule for the User type ensures that no matter how each query or mutation is defined, only "ADMIN" or "SUPER_ADMIN" users can access the User type.


By default, following the secure-by-default principle, Exograph marks all types, queries, and mutations as inaccessible (equivalent to specifying the @access(false) annotation)

You can combine expressions to form a more complex expression. For example, to allow access to a query or mutation only to ADMIN users unless the DEVELOPMENT environment is set to true, you can use the following annotation:

context AuthContext {
role: String

context EnvContext {
development: Boolean @env("DEVELOPMENT")

module UserModule {


@access(AuthContext.role == "ADMIN" || EnvContext.development)
query getUser(id: Int): User

If you want to expose a query or mutation to all users, you can use the true literal expression:

module MathModule {


query add(a: Int, b: Int): Int