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While exo dev command is appropriate for development, it is unsuitable for production since it does more work than necessary, such as watching files for changes and verifying the schema. For production, you should use the exo build command to generate a production build of your schema and then use the exo-server to serve it.

Exograph support for production usage consists of two phases: building and serving. The building phase parses the input .exo files, checks the code for correctness, and generates a model (in a binary format). The serve phase reads the model and starts a GraphQL server.

Building the exo_ir

You build the exo_ir using the exo build command. See exo build for more information.

Serving the exo_ir

You serve the exo_ir using the exo-server command. The command expects target/index_exo_ir as the location of the exo_ir file (which is the file created by the exo build command).


It will print the information necessary to connect to the server:

Started server on in 5.47 ms
- Endpoint hosted at:

You can now send GraphQL queries to the endpoint using a GraphQL client such as Apollo Client or urql.


What if you want to use the GraphQL playground with the production deployment with all the goodies, such as autocomplete, schema documentation, query history, and integrated authentication?

By default, the exo-server command will have its introspection and playground disabled. While you can enable it by setting the EXO_INTROSPECTION environment variable to true, it is not a good idea to do so in production. Instead, you can use the exo playground command that fetches the schema from your local model and executes GraphQL operations against the specified endpoint.

exo playground --endpoint -p 9999

It will print the information necessary to connect to the playground:

Starting playground server connected to the endpoint at:
- Playground hosted at:

We pass the -p argument to specify the port to serve the playground on to avoid port conflict (the exe-server has already used the default 9876 port). In real-world production scenarios, you would not need to do this since you would be deploying it to a separate server, such as on or AWS Lambda, so there is no port conflict with the local playground server.

You can now use the playground to interact with the GraphQL server. See playground for more information.