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Currently, Exograph supports one instance of Postgres as a database specified using the EXO_POSTGRES_URL environment variable, which must be in the standard Postgres URL format (postgres://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port?>/<database>?<connection-config-key-value>). If this environment variable is absent, Exograph will look for DATABASE_URL as a fallback (this simplifies deployment to platforms such as, which sets the DATABASE_URL environment variable by default). In either case, if the port part of the URL is not specified, Exograph will default to 5432.

You can also configure connection pooling using the following environment variables:

  • EXO_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE - The maximum number of connections in the pool. Defaults to 10.
  • EXO_CHECK_CONNECTION_ON_STARTUP - Whether to check the connection on startup. Defaults to true. This ensures that the connection is valid on startup. The connection will be checked on the first query if set to false.

You may use query parameters in the Postgres URL to configure SSL. For example, to set the verification mode to verify-full and specify the root certificate, you would use a URL such as postgres://...?sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=/path/to/root/cert.pem. Exograph supports the following query parameters:

  • ssl - Whether to use SSL. This parameter is a quick way to specify SSL mode. If it is true, it has the same effect as setting sslmode to verify-full.
  • sslmode - The SSL mode. The possible values are verify-full, verify-ca, require, prefer, allow, and disable. This parameter defaults to prefer, where SSL will be used if the server supports it.
  • sslrootcert - The path to the root certificate (typically offered to be downloaded by the Postgres server provider). This parameter is only used if the sslmode is not set to disable.