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Defining Types

Types are the building blocks of a Postgres module since they define the entities you want to persist in your database. A type consists of fields. A field may be an Exograph-defined scalar type such as Int, Float, or Uuid. It may also be another type defined in the Postgres module, in which case it represents a relationship between the types.

Exograph maps each type to a table in the database and each field to a column of a table or a relation to another table. Using the convention over configuration approach, Exograph will automatically deduce the appropriate table names, column names, column types, foreign key constraints, etc. Usually, the automatically deduced mapping should suffice, especially for a green field project. However, if necessary, you may customize them.

Exograph processes types in the exo file to create appropriate queries and mutations and apply access control rules. The Postgres plugin doesn't allow you to define your own queries (however, you may use the Deno module to do so).

Defining a type

A type is defined using the type keyword. You have seen the Concert type a few times by now. Let's look at it in detail.

type Concert {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
description: String?
title: String
price: Float
published: Boolean = false

The Concert type defines several fields.

  • Since the id field carries the @pk annotation, it is designated as the primary key of the Concert type. Due to the default value set to the autoIncrement function, Exograph, in collaboration with the database, will assign it the next value from a sequence. Behind the scenes, Exograph will map this field to a SERIAL column in the database. We will see how to customize such a primary key to, for example, map it to a BIGSERIAL or use a Uuid in the next section. Designating a field as the primary key is a requirement for Exograph to generate the appropriate queries and mutations.

  • The description field is of type String. The field is marked as nullable since the type carries the ? suffix. This influences the Exograph-generated mutations such that the description field will be optional when creating a new concert.

  • The title field is of type String. It is not nullable since it doesn't carry the ? suffix. This influences mutations such that the title field will be required when creating a new concert. We will examine this in detail in the mutations section.

  • Likewise, the price field is of type Float and is not nullable. The Float type seems not quite appropriate for representing a price. A more appropriate type would be Decimal, as we will see later.

  • The published field is of type Boolean. The field's default value is set to false. The mutations that create a concert will mark the published field as optional and use the default value if you don't specify it.


By default, Exograph will assume each field is required (i.e., not nullable). This is a safer assumption since it will prevent you from creating a record with a null value in a non-nullable field. It also makes it a backward-compatible change if you make a field nullable later.

Exograph, in this regard, follows TypeScript (which is also why we use the ? suffix to mark a field as nullable) as well as most other languages (in Rust or Scala, for example, you have to declare such types using an Option<> generic type). However, this is a departure from the GraphQL spec, which assumes all fields are nullable (and you need to mark a field with an ! suffix to mark it as required).

Defining a scalar field

In the example above, we have seen how to define fields of scalar types: Int, String, Float, and Boolean. Exograph supports the following scalar types (and we will add more in the future):

IntAn integer type (the size depends on several customizable factors).1, 2, 3
FloatA floating point type (the size depends on several customizable factors).1.0, 2.0, 3.0
Decimal*A decimal type with precise value (the precision can be specified). Useful for money and such."10.99", "1.9999"
StringA string type."नमस्ते", "world"
BooleanA boolean type.true, false
Uuid*A universally unique identifier type."f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6"
LocalDate*A date type."2021-01-01"
LocalDateTime*A date and time type."2021-07-06T20:08:47"
LocalTime*A time type."14:30:15"
Instant*A date and time type along with timezone"2021-07-06T20:08:47.1234567-07:00"
Json*A JSON type.{"hello": "world"}
Blob*An encoded binary data"iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABgAAAAWC..."
Vector#A vector type.[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]

* Accepted and returned as a string through the GraphQL API but stored as the corresponding type in the database.
# Accepted and returned as a float array through the GraphQL API but stored as the corresponding type in the database.

The Vector type

The Vector type is somewhat different than the other scalar types in the way it supports filtering and ordering, which we will explore in the embeddings section.

Besides the plain scalar types, Exograph also supports Arrays of scalar types. For example, you can define a field of type Array<String> to store a list of strings.

Defining a relationship

A type rarely stands alone; it becomes interesting when it relates to others. These relationships are the reason why we use a relational database. This is also where GraphQL shines by allowing us to query an entity along with its related data. This section will look at how to define a relationship between two types.

One-to-many and many-to-one relationship

The most common form of relationship is the one-to-many and many-to-one relationships. For example, a concert is held in a venue. If we look at it from a venue's perspective, it has a list of concerts. We can define such a relationship by merely including fields of the right kind.

type Concert {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
description: String?
title: String
price: Float
published: Boolean = false
venue: Venue

type Venue {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
name: String
concerts: Set<Concert>?

We only needed to include a field of type Venue in the Concert type and a field of type Set<Concert> in the Venue type. In other words, we established a one-to-many relationship from Venue to Concert and a many-to-one relationship from Concert to Venue.


Why Set and not an array?

An array is an ordered sequence of values without restrictions on how many times a value can appear. On the other hand, a set is an unordered collection of values without duplicates. This is precisely what we need to express a relationship between two types. For example, when you query a venue, you want to get all the concerts held there. You don't care about the order of the concerts (if you do, you can always provide an orderBy query parameter as we will see later), and you don't want to see the same concert twice.

Exograph does support Array if you need the array semantics, as we have seen in the scalar fields section, but its usage is limited to scalar types only.

Note also that the concerts field is optional since a venue may not have any concerts. This way, we are not forced to specify a value for the concerts field when creating a venue. We will explore more about this in the mutations section.

The above model allows querying a concert along with its venue and querying a venue along with its concerts. While this is often what you want, there are situations where you want the APIs to express only one direction of the relationship. For example, you may want to allow querying a concert along with its venue but not the other way around. You can use the @manyToOne annotation to express this intention.

type Concert {
@manyToOne venue: Venue?

type Venue {
// no concerts field

Since there is no concerts field in the Venue type, the return type of any Venue query will not include the concerts field.

Many-to-many relationship

A many-to-many relationship involves two types, each related to multiple instances of the other. For example, a concert may feature multiple artists, and an artist may perform in multiple concerts. In real-world scenarios, some data is almost always associated with the relationship. For example, the artist may be a concert's main or supporting artist. This calls for an intermediate type to hold the data associated with the relationship. Exograph supports many-to-many relationships indirectly by allowing you to define a relationship between two types through an intermediate type.

type Concert {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
performances: Set<Performance>?

type Artist {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
performances: Set<Performance>?

type Performance {
@pk artist: Artist
@pk concert: Concert
isMainArtist: Boolean

Effectively, we have defined two one-to-many relationships between Concert and Performance and between Artist and Performance.

Note the use of the @pk annotation to designate the combination of the two fields that make a relationship unique. Since the combination of the artist and concertis marked as unique, the database will prevent you from having multiple performances for the same artist and concert.

An alternative (and less common) approach is to designate a separate field as the primary key for the relationship and use the @unique annotation to mark the combination of the two fields that make a relationship unique.

type Concert {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
performances: Set<Performance>?

type Artist {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
performances: Set<Performance>?

type Performance {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
@unique("relation") artist: Artist
@unique("relation") concert: Concert
isMainArtist: Boolean

The @unique annotation marks the combination of the two fields as unique, like the way we did earlier using the @pk annotation.

Please see the uniqueness section for more details on using the @unique annotation.

One-to-one relationship

One-to-one relationships are uncommon in practice but have their usage. In a typical situation, you would define a one-to-one relationship with one of the sides marked as optional. This avoids the chicken-or-the-egg situation: which instance shall you create first? With one side marked optional, you can create an instance with the optional side and then create an instance with the required side. For example, a user may have an optional membership, but a membership must have an associated user. Let's see how we can define such a relationship.

type User {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
membership: Membership?

type Membership {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
user: User

Here, we have defined a one-to-one relationship between User and Membership. The membership field in User is optional, and the user field in Membership is required. This arrangement allows us to create a user first (without a membership) and then create a membership for the user by providing it with the user as the user field. So, while we can't solve the chicken-or-the-egg problem, we can solve the user-or-the-membership problem: the user always comes first!

Like the @manyToOne annotation, you can use the @oneToOne annotation to express a one-way relationship. For example, if you want to express that the query of a Membership should allow getting the associated User but not the other way around, you can use the following definition:

type User {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
// no membership field

type Membership {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
@oneToOne user: User

This way, the User type will not have a membership field in its return type, while still enforcing the one-to-one relationship.

So far, we have explored how to create types with scalar fields and define relationships between types using Exograph's default mapping to the database. In the next section, we will zoom into customizing the mapping.

Dealing with multiple fields of the same type

Reconsider the earlier example of a concert and a venue:

type Concert {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
venue: Venue

type Venue {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
concerts: Set<Concert>?

Here, Exograph infers that the venue field in the Concert type and the concerts field in the Venue type are related. However, what if you have multiple fields of the same type in a type? For example, a concert may have multiple venues, and a venue may have multiple concerts.

type Concert {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
mainVenue: Venue
altVenue: Venue?

type Venue {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
mainConcerts: Set<Concert>?
altConcerts: Set<Concert>?

Here, since there are two fields of the same type in the Venue type, Exograph can't infer if the mainVenue field in the Concert type is associated with the mainConcerts field or the altConcerts field in the Venue type. Exograph will issue an error indicating that there are multiple candidates for the relationship.

To resolve this ambiguity, you can use the @relation annotation to specify the relationship.

type Concert {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
mainVenue: Venue
altVenue: Venue?

type Venue {
@pk id: Int = autoIncrement()
@relation("mainVenue") mainConcerts: Set<Concert>?
@relation("altVenue") altConcerts: Set<Concert>?

The @relation annotation takes a string argument that specifies the name of the field in the other type that is related to the current field. In this case, the mainVenue field in the Concert type is related to the mainConcerts field in the Venue type, while the altVenue field is related to the altConcerts field.