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4 posts tagged with "performance"

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Latency at the edge with Rust/WebAssembly and Postgres: Part 2

· 9 min read
Ramnivas Laddad
Co-founder @ Exograph

In the previous post, we implemented a simple Cloudflare Worker in Rust/WebAssembly connecting to a Neon Postgres database and measured end-to-end latency. Without any pooling, we got a mean response time of 345ms.

The two issues we suspected for the high latency were:

Establishing connection to the database: The worker creates a new connection for each request. Given that a secure connection, it takes 7+ round trips. Not surprisingly, latency is high.

Executing the query: The query method in our code causes the Rust Postgres driver to make two round trips: to prepare the statement and to bind/execute the query. It also sends a one-way message to close the prepared statement.

In this part, we will deal with connection establishment time by introducing a pool. We will fork the driver to deal with multiple round trips (which incidentally also helps with connection pooling). We will also learn a few things about Postgres's query protocol.


Latency at the Edge with Rust/WebAssembly and Postgres: Part 1

· 7 min read
Ramnivas Laddad
Co-founder @ Exograph

We have been working on enabling Exograph on WebAssembly. Since we have implemented Exograph using Rust, it was natural to target WebAssembly. You can soon build secure, flexible, and efficient GraphQL backends using Exograph and run them at the edge.

During our journey towards WebAssembly support, we learned a few things to improve the latency of Rust-based programs targeting WebAssembly in Cloudflare Workers connecting to Postgres. This two-part series shares those learnings. In this first post, we will set up a simple Cloudflare Worker connecting to a Postgres database and get baseline latency measurements. In the next post, we will explore various ways to improve it.


GraphQL needs new thinking

· 6 min read
Ramnivas Laddad
Co-founder @ Exograph

Backend developers often find implementing GraphQL backends challenging. I believe the issue is not GraphQL but the current implementation techniques.

This post is a response to Why, after 6 years, I'm over GraphQL by Matt Bessey. I recommend that you read the original blog before reading this. The sections in this blog mirror the original blog, so you can follow them side-by-side.

Before starting Exograph, we implemented several GraphQL backends and faced many of the same issues mentioned in the blog. Exograph is our attempt to address these issues and provide a better way to implement GraphQL. Let's dive into the issues raised in the original blog and how Exograph addresses them.


Exograph supports trusted documents

· 7 min read
Ramnivas Laddad
Co-founder @ Exograph

Exograph 0.7 introduces support for trusted documents, also known as "persisted documents" or "persisted queries". This new feature makes Exograph even more secure by allowing only specific queries and mutations, thus shrinking the API surface. It also offers other benefits, such as improving performance by reducing the payload size.

Trusted documents are a pre-arranged way for clients to convey "executable documents" (roughly queries and mutations, but see the GraphQL spec and Exograph's documentation for a distinction) they would be using. The server then allows executing only those documents.


For a good introduction to trusted documents, including the reason to prefer the term "trusted documents", please see the GraphQL Trusted Documents. Exograph's trusted document follows the same general principles outlined in it. We hope that someday a GraphQL specification will standardize this concept.

This blog post explains what trusted documents are and how to use them in Exograph.
